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Tag: nuget

Azure Maps Lite for UWP

Azure Maps Lite for UWP

While we are still waiting for the official Azure Maps SDK for Universal Windows Platform, the eager me take it into my own hand. I’m going to create a lite version of the SDK for Azure Maps! Before you can use this Azure Maps Lite SDK for UWP, you have to obtain an valid Azure Maps account. To do so, please create Azure Maps account from Azure Portal. Installing Azure Maps Lite via NuGet Current Azure Maps Lite SDK is version…

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Introduction Calculate distance, bearing, mid-point between two geographical points is not an easy job. All the formula that use for calculation is based on the basis of a spherical earth and ignoring ellipsoidal effects of the earth. In fact, the earth is actually oblate spheroidal with a radius varying between 6378KM at equatorial to 6357KM at polar. Local radius of curvature from equatorial meridian to polar is 6336KM and 6399KM respectively. With all of this differences, 6371KM is the generally…

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